
We are Dave and Diane, an adventurous couple, embarking on a life-changing journey aboard our sailing catamaran, KINDNESS. From breathtaking sunsets in remote islands to picturesque coastal towns laden with charm, our nomadic life allows us to immerse ourselves in the healing beauty of this world, allowing us the time to reflect spiritually on what matters most. It's not just the breathtaking places we encounter making our journey special; it is the people we meet and the connections we form along the way. In our pursuit of exploration, we have found the true essence of living: touching peoples’ hearts, experiencing beautiful places, and sharing our journey with you.


Saint Martin
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Saint Martin

KINDNESS comes to explore Fort St Louis - St. Martin. It was fun to explore the Fort with it's epic views even though it was very hot. We had a great host who seemed to photo bomb every shot.

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British Virgin Islands
Diane Merck Diane Merck

British Virgin Islands

KINDNESS comes to explore the British Virgin Islands. This is full circle for us as we bought KINDNESS here a little over three years ago at Nanny Cay, Tortola. We were excited to return, and even got to visit Leverick Bay where we first learned to sail a catamaran, Saba Rock and the Bitter end resorts, both of which were still in a state of ruin and rebuilding due to Irma in 2017.

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Saint John, USVI
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Saint John, USVI

KINDNESS comes to explore the Saint John - US Virgin Islands Sea Turtles. We had the opportunity to circumnavigate Saint John Island visiting it's truly amazing bays along the way.

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Dominican Republic
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Dominican Republic

KINDNESS comes to explore the Dominican Republic. First stop, Ocean World Marina, Puerto Plata and stop two, Puerto Bahia Samana, Samana.

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 Lazy River
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Lazy River

KINDNESS comes to explore Moriah Harbour Cay National Park - Lazy River. We found our way enduring a very sporty five mile dinghy ride into the wind and waves to reach our stunningly beautiful destination on the edge of the National Park.

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Junkanoo George Town
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Junkanoo George Town

KINDNESS comes to explore George Town, Exuma Bahamas Junkanoo. Beautifully creative costumes lend themselves to this energetic parade steeped in tradition. What a great nighttime adventure.

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Washing Machine
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Washing Machine

KINDNESS crew comes to explore the Washing Machine at Shroud Cay to wash away some fears and interacts with a curious turtle along the way.

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Whale Sighting
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Whale Sighting

KINDNESS comes to explore the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in search of the playful humpback whales.

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Hog Cay
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Hog Cay

KINDNESS comes to explore Hog Cay Ragged Islands, Bahamas for Christmas.

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Flamingo Cay
Diane Merck Diane Merck

Flamingo Cay

KINDNESS comes to explore Flamingo Cay, Jumentos Islands Bahamas to celebrate Diane's birthday on our way to spend Christmas in the Ragged Islands.

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