
Sailing KINDNESS 〰️

Sailing KINDNESS - Dave & Diane

Who We Are

We are Dave and Diane Merck. Together, with our salty pup Zoey, we make up the beating heart and crew of SV KINDNESS, our 43 foot 2006 Leopard sailing catamaran home. Please join our journey as we verify it’s a small world, one anchorage at a time, visiting extraordinary places and meeting amazing people.

Proverbs 11:25

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Welcome Aboard

We are Dave and Diane Merck, the proud owners and sailors of SV KINDNESS. With us, sailing the seas, is our loyal and energetic pup, Zoey. We invite you to join us on an incredible journey as we explore the vast oceans and verify the age-old saying, "it's a small world", one anchorage at a time.

Our vessel, SV KINDNESS, is a magnificent 43-foot 2006 Leopard catamaran. With its sleek design and exceptional functionality, it serves as our home and transport across the expansive blue playground. Together, we form the beating heart and dedicated crew of this beautiful vessel, ready to discover new horizons and embrace the wonders that lie ahead.

Sailing KINDNESS was formed to bring into focus, whatever is admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy that we may all think about such things. We hope to share in the experience and maybe even spark the belief, greatness and Love is very much alive and active through out this world.

Our mission is clear - to discover the hidden gems that this creation has to offer, one anchorage at a time. We believe that beneath the surface of every destination lies extraordinary marvels waiting to be made clear. From tropical paradises to enchanting remote islands, we aim to connect with the essence of each place we encounter.

But beyond the incredible landscapes, it's the people we meet that truly capture our hearts. We are endlessly amazed by the kindness and generosity of the individuals from all walks of life, who, despite their differences, share a common love for the ocean and the sense of freedom that sailing brings. These unique encounters remind us that, indeed, it is a small world after all.

Join us as we navigate through turquoise waters, exploring vibrant coral reefs teeming with life. Feel the wind in your hair and the taste of salt on your lips as we chase breathtaking sunsets. From diving into crystal-clear lagoons to hiking lush tropical forests, we'll share these unforgettable moments with you, capturing the essence of each place through our words and lens.

Along the way, we'll sprinkle our journals with enchanting tales, capturing the spirit of each destination, and reflecting on the profound impact this journey has on our lives. Through our adventures, we hope to inspire others to explore the beauty that exists beyond the horizon, encouraging kindness and understanding among all who share this incredible world.

So, fasten your lifejackets, grab ahold of your sense of adventure, and join us as we embark on this remarkable voyage on SV KINDNESS. Prepare to be captivated by extraordinary places, to be moved by the incredible human connections we forge, and to witness firsthand the wonders of our planet.

Fair winds and following seas!


David Merck - The Captain

Sailing KINDNESS - Zoey

Zoey - First Mate

Diane Merck - The Pirate